Sunday, July 24, 2005

BAFTAs and Rosemary Harris

There are two 1998 BAFTA (ie. The Dreadlocks) photos at Photoshot that I think are new. They're UGL_014669D_00A and UGL_014669D_01A.

The Rosemary Harris fansite has also just been updated with new articles and some photos from 1955 to 1971.

If you're a Rosemary Harris fan, you might want to have a look at your local library for some of her audio recordings. I've found King John (1964, Caedmon, directed by Howard Sackler), A Streetcar Named Desire (1973, Caedmon, directed by Ellis Rabb), Rosemary Harris as Elizabeth Bowen (1995, Audio Partners) and Short stories of Katherine Mansfield (1988, Old Greenwich). Not sure if the last one is actually her, since there's also an author called Rosemary Harris.

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